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CSV Exports can be found in the transactions section of the cash flow report.

Tender CSV exports

Exported row format

  • Description
  • Date
  • Amount (negative is a debit, positive is a credit)
  • Category
  • Account, or in the case of grouped transactions, multiple accounts split with a comma (see below)
  • Grouping type (grouped, split, or single, see below)
"Chipotle","1/1/2024","-47.08","Eating out","Chase (2140)","single"
"Palette Tea House","1/1/2024","-44.62","Eating out","Chase (2140)","single"
"Clipper Card Reload","1/2/2024","-20.00","Transit","Chase (2140)","single"

Handling split and grouped transactions

When you split or group a transaction, it might have multiple accounts associated. When this happens, you will see multiple account names for that row.

"Rent Payment","5/1/2024","-1500.00","Rent","Bilt Rewards,Venmo","grouped"

If you're using a tool like duckdb, there are functions that can help you work with multiple accounts:

--- Get distinct accounts across all transactions:
select distinct unnest(string_split(accounts, ',')) as account
from read_csv('./tender-export.csv')
order by account;