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Using the inbox

Tender is an inbox-zero style tool. When new transactions arrive, they first appear in your inbox.

Tender inbox item


From here, transactions leave your inbox when you assign a category.

Tender inbox item categorization

Manually categorizing every transaction can be cumbersome, so Tender also supports rules to for automatic categorization.


You can also snooze a transaction. The transaction will leave the inbox until the snooze timer elapses.

Snoozed transactionSnoozed transaction in the inbox

Pending transactions

Often, you may see pending transactions. These have yet to settle in your account and the amount may be changed, or the transaction may be canceled altogether.

Tender pending transaction in inbox

You can take any actions (categorization, splits, snoozing, etc.) on a pending transaction. If the amount of the transaction changes, Tender will place the transaction back into the inbox to let you know.

Tender showing a settled transaction changed

Splitting a transaction

Sometimes, you may want to categorize a transaction in multiple ways. For instance, a trip to Costco might include both groceries and health products.

Tender showing a transaction with splits

Bulk editing

The inbox supports bulk editing on desktop to quickly clear our your inbox. Select multiple transactions using shift or cmd (ctrl for Windows) to update them.

Tender bulk editing transactions

Linking transactions

When you receive refunds or someone pays you back, you can link the repayment back to the original charge.

Tender marking a transaction as a repayment

This option will show up for any transactions for incoming money. When you link transactions, Tender will know to show you those charges together.

Tender showing the net of a transaction

If you use Splitwise to share expenses, you can also link your Splitwise account to directly charge splitwise groups from Tender. See the page on Splitwise integration for more details.

Ignoring transactions

Sometimes, you may have transactions that can be ignored, such as moving money between bank accounts or when you pay a credit card bill. These transactions can be marked using the special Internal Transfer category which tells Tender to ignore them in reporting.

Duplicate or incorrect data

Unfortunately, our banking partners can sometimes provide bad data like duplicate transactions. If these show up in your inbox, you can delete them so that they won't show up in searches or reports.

Keyboard shortcuts

Tender supports keyboard shortcuts for most features. In the inbox, try using j (down) and k (up) to navigate transactions, and c to categorize.

You can see a full list of shortcuts in Tender by using ?.